
Beliefs of professional and family caregivers about the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities: Examining beliefs using a Qmethodology approach

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Sex Education


This investigation described the perceptions of involved adults concerning the sexuality of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Participants completed a Q-sort with a concourse of 36 items. Analysis produced four different belief systems: advocates, supporters, regulators, and humanists. These belief systems describe the respondents' views on sex education, birth control methods, and sexual participation concerning individuals with intellectual disabilities. The representative respondents of the advocates can be described as strong supporters of human rights for the individual with intellectual disabilities. The typical respondent for the supporters can be described as an ardent supporter of sex education for the individual with intellectual disabilities. The regulators were similar to the supporters by showing strong favoritism toward educating individuals with intellectual disabilities concerning sex. However, in contrast the regulators also supported extensive birth control measures. Finally, the humanists can be described as being the strongest supporters of human rights for the individual with intellectual disabilities.

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