Publication Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Language, Literature and Translation (MA)

Committee Chair

Norris, Lola O.


Literature and art are intrinsically linked. This thesis studies the connection between fiction and visual arts by looking at the written text and accompanying illustrations in Cervantes’ Don Quijote de la Mancha. These two ways of artistic expressions are interconnected and inform and influence each other over time. By applying the theory of intertextuality, the relationship between the two is analyzed and described. The link between text and illustration is also examined via the literary device of ekphrasis, however, in an inverted form. Both, literature and art, share the power of expression to tell stories that will continue to exist beyond time, space, and the cultures that created them. Many artists have had the honor of illustrating Don Quijote and have created an iconography of the novel that assists readers with the understanding of the written text. By studying some of the images created by Antonio Carnicero (1748-1814), Gustave Doré (1832-1883), and Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), this study finds that the illustrations also contribute additional readings and interpretations of the text that may change over time while adding new layers of intertextuality to the novel.
