Publication Date

Spring 5-5-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Sociology (MA)

Committee Chair

Fei Luo and John C. Kilburn

Committee Member

Wanzhu Shi

Committee Member

Virginia Berndt


The social issue of intimate partner cyber-harassment among Mexican American college students continues to affect dating violence. While there is a considerable amount of literature focusing on various forms of criminal behavior in cyberspace, such as cyberbullying, cyber-pornography, hacking, online fraud and identity theft, less attention has been paid to violence facilitated through cyber-communications and digital/electronic means such as CH. This thesis examines Mexican American college students to identify which factors correlate to cyber harassment (CH) offending and which correspond to cyber victimization. In this context, intimate partner cyber harassment (IPCH) is defined as a pattern of repeated behaviors by a current or ex-partner via electronic or Internet-capable devices such as computers, tablets, or mobile phones using social media (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) or texting to commit behaviors in which one partner has clearly established are unwanted and harassing. To test the hypotheses that higher levels of assimilation, alcohol, low self-control, and most importantly, that Mexican American females would be positively associated with a greater likelihood of IPCH as offenders, a survey was developed in SurveyMonkey and shared via SONA. A non-probability, convenience sampling technique was used to analyze student iv responses. The results showed positive direction as hypothesized in all but one: assimilation and offending. However, key findings showed that Mexican American females are more likely to be offenders of IPCH than males. This study also found that higher level of assimilation decreases the likelihood of victimization as well as low self-control and alcohol effecting both offending and victimization as hypothesized. These results suggest that research on Mexican American college students is neglected and therefore there is a deficit in research that needs to be addressed. On this basis, the concept of IPCH among Mexican American college students should be taken into consideration when addressing the phenomena in order to effectively contribute to policy, preventive models for IPCH, and most especially educating students.
